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Lake Eunice Evangelical Free Church

Pastor Dale Robins

Sunday - September 24th, 2023



Welcome & Call to Worship:                           Pastor Dale Robins

Opening Hymn                                 Stand Up and Bless the Lord

Intercessory Prayer                                                       Kevin York    

Praise & Worship                             Blessed Be the Name (p. 132)

                                                     Blessed Be the Name of the Lord

                                                        Jesus, Name Above All Names

                                                                        Bless His Holy Name



Missions Sunday:                       Blessing of the School Supplies

Offering & Offertory                             Bless the Lord, O My Soul

Sermon                                      Pastor Dale Robins 

Sermon Text                                            Colossians 1:17-19

Sermon Title                                                  “The Incomparable Christ”

Closing Hymn                                       O To Be Like Thee (p.52)

Closing Prayer & Benediction                        Pastor Dale Robins


WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS WEEK                                              

TODAY - Mission Sunday during Service

Newsletter Deadline                      Monday, September, 25th

WMS Quilters                                Tuesday, Sept. 26th at 9:00am

Wed. Supper & Bible Study           Wednesday, Sept. 20th at 6:30pm

Women of the Word (WOW) Bible Study Every Thursday at 9:30am

Worship Team Practice                 Thursday, Sept. 28th at 7:30pm

Men's Breakfast                             Saturday, Sept. 30th at 8:00am  


WHAT’S COMING UP In October!?!?!                                         

High Mileage at Com. Alliance       Saturday, Oct. 3rd at 8:00am

WMS Quilters                                 Tuesday, Oct. 10th & 24th at 9am

Shining Stars Ladies Group           Saturday, Oct. 14th at 11:00am

Harvest Festival (more details to come) Sunday, Oct. 15th at 5pm

Men’s Supper                                  Friday, Oct. 20th at 7:00pm

Annual Meeting Potluck & Meeting Sunday, Oct. 22nd after service

Men’s Breakfast                              Saturday, Oct. 28th at 8:00am

Family Fun Night with Potluck Dinner Tuesday, Oct. 31st at 5pm



OFFERING ATTENDEES                                                             

Today: John Seley & Rick Holm

Next Week: Dean & Jess Skogen

Offering for 9/17/2023: $3,943.00

Building Fund: $10.00                                                                                                                                           

Kathryn and Ginny are starting a beginner’s class in quilting.  It will run about 8 weeks, 1 day a week.  We can only take 3 people at this time, but will continue if the class is needed.  We will make small quilts for the EMS in Detroit Lakes as a project.  Please see clipboard in the front entry way to sign up or contact: Ginny 701-331-2467 or Kathryn 218-234-9716.


Faith Christian Students will be in back asking if anyone would like to pledge them for the upcoming bike-a-thon. This event is Faith Christian’s biggest fundraiser. This year’s money is going towards new playground equipment. Please see Sam or Jen Skogen if you are interested in pledging for the Bike-A-Thon.