Adult Bible Study & Supper Wed 6:30 pm
Youth Group Supper & Study Wed. 6:30 pm
Women of The Word Bible Study Thurs. 10:00 am via zoom
Mission Coffee Fellowship first Sun after service
Men's Supper meets the 3rd Friday at 7 pm
Men's Breakfast meets the 4th Saturday at 8 am
WMS Quilters meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 9:30 am
Ladies Attributes of God Book Study meets Mondays at 9:30 am
Shining Stars Ladies Group Sat. Oct. 12 at 11 am
Pastor appreciation Sunday Sun. Oct. 13 at 10 am
Harvest Festival Sun. Oct. 20
Annual Meeting & Potluck Sun. Oct. 27
Family Fun Night w/potluck Thurs. Oct. 31 at 5 pm