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Laser Level                                                                                                                   Merilee Ottoson

A laser level is a tool which uses a beam of light to accurately project a vertical line that provides a perfectly vertical reference point in construction. Why do carpenters need such a tool? They need it because straight lines matter!! We hired a carpet layer to put linoleum in the kitchen of our first home. I walked through the house as he was just about finished. When I saw the new floor, I gasped and attempted to calmly ask if he planned to leave the flooring as it was. He had glued two pieces together which put the “match” of the pattern one half inch “off” across the entire floor!!  I wanted to tell him “straight lines matter”!!!

Truth is truth. Absolute truth is truth that is absolute. A circle is not a square and water is always wet. Someone may choose to argue about those truths but that does NOT change facts. There are those who claim they have “their own truth”. They choose to live their life and make a belief system out of their “ideas about what truth is”. How confusing for them and everyone connected to them. What if “their truth” changes “tomorrow” because they changed their minds and ideas??? Then what?? Am I allowed to have my truth, you have your truth and everyone down the street can “pick their own”? How does that work?? Who’s right?

“And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding in order that we might know Him who is true and we are in Him who is true, in His son Jesus Christ.” I John 5:20

I understand that everyone does not see things the same way. We allow for differences and we can still get along. However, God’s truth does NOT change. He is immutable, meaning He does NOT change. And because He does not change, His word does not change. His truth remains the same. Just like having a laser level tool that provides a perfect vertical reference point. We have His word which is a perfect reference point for every issue of life. We do not “pick and choose” our truth….He IS our truth. We base our lives and beliefs on God’s Word and then we see the world through THAT lens.

Our challenge:

>>Know what we believe and why we believe it.

>>Make God’s Word our reference for life and living.

>>Remember that God’s Word is not any less powerful because others question and mock it.

The grass withers,

the flower fades

but the word of our God will stand forever.”

Isaiah 40:8