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Companions                                                                          Merilee Ottoson

Do you have close companions? Friends can be so valuable in good times or in bad times. Their advice, generosity, help and encouragement are often just what we need! We can laugh and cry with them and they can hold us accountable in many situations. The biblical account in        I Samuel paints a deep and beautiful picture of David and Jonathan. As young men they became friends and remained companions through the worst of circumstances. In the New Testament, Paul and Timothy are a portrait of friendship and mentoring. Older Paul teaching and guiding younger Timothy.

There are however, some types of companions we should never have. Here are a few of them to avoid:

>>Any companion whose influence leads us away from our Christian faith or church attendance is not a good comrade. “Do not be deceived, bad company corrupts good morals.” (I Cor. 15:33) We may hope that we can change their habits and ideas. Therefore, we must be the strong ones who do not change our convictions. Ever!

>> Sin. Sin, in any form, should not be our companion. When it enters your mind, CHASE IT OUT.  Do not allow it to linger. “…desire when it is conceived gives birth to sin and sin when fully grown brings forth death.” (James 1:15)

>>Fear and anxiety. Do these two visit you often? Set fire to them and throw them in the “burn pile”. They must not become your companions. Each of us has moments of anxiety and fear. Anxious thoughts try to crowd our minds but we dare not allow them to take up residence with us. Living IN fear shows that we do not trust God. Is that a harsh statement? Perhaps…but it is truth. The perfect love of God casts out fear.( I John 4:18)


Thoughts to ponder ~~~~~

Guard your friendship with questionable companions.

Keep the Changeless One as your closest friend.